Rule 5. Supper
Rule 5. Supper
Evening is an important part of our circadian rhythms.
A good supper and quality sleep give a complete recovery of our body at night.
Evening overeating, nighttime snacks, excess stress, light and stimulation
disturb the evening calm, the sleep structure and its duration. A person can
sleep as much but recover worse. The worse the sleep is, the worse the
metabolism and the work of hunger-satiety
system are. The worse the sleep is, the weaker self-control you have. Have
an early, moderate and right supper - this is the key to the good sleep and
By the example of my patients, I see that evening is a
weak point for many people. Why? Because they do not consider stress and twisting
of the light regime. This is an example. The deep water and scary looking
anglerfish has a fleshy growth from its head - a fishing rod - that glows in
dark water. Attracted by light, smaller fish come close and go straight to the
mouth of the anglerfish. The same for us, the excess light and stimulation in the
evening disrupt our circadian rhythms. They make us think that it is day. They
make us stick to the screens and eat plenty and fully in the evening. Do not
fall into the trap of light!
How did the problem
Different countries have different traditions. In some
countries, supper is early and moderate; in others it is late and quite hearty,
which can depend on the daily work and a hot climate. But in general, everywhere
we see the attitude to supper as a minor meal (give dinner to your
enemy; dine like a
pauper etc.).
But modern people, which have no food culture, face the evening temptation to
eat and often give in.
BREAK: A huge
amount of LED radiation with a high proportion of blue spectrum light (mobile phones,
computers, tablets, TVs, LED lamps, etc.) disrupt our internal clock. The light
of this area of spectrum gives a signal that it is day and aggravates the
feeling of hunger.
hyperphagia (overeating). The issue of evening meals is closely related to the
work of our circadian biorhythms. A huge amount of LED radiation with a high
proportion of blue spectrum light (mobile phones, computers, tablets, TVs, LED
lamps, etc.) disrupt our internal clock. The light of this area of spectrum
gives a signal that it is day and aggravates the feeling of hunger.
Hyperphagia and stress
epidemic. Chronic stress is becoming common. If acute stress
dulls appetite more often, then chronic stress, on the contrary, increases
appetite due to the higher production of ghrelin. Fatigue and hunger combined with
stress get higher in the evening, which leads to overeating. Moreover, ghrelin
stimulates the central nervous system, so people have to eat to fall asleep,
using food as sleeping pills. The abuse of caffeine and alcohol also
exacerbates the eating disorders.
Hedonic hyperphagia
(the wish to eat to have pleasure without real need of calories). In
addition to stress, the contentment deficit disorder occur when people can’t be
content and at peace with their life. Such people eat because they are bored,
sad, feeling lonely and low-spirited, and they choose the most high-calorie
combinations of starchy, fatty, fried, sweet or salty foods, etc.
BREAK: People snacking at night have the
impaired work of biological rhythms and many hormones, as well as impaired
metabolism. The more and the more often people eat late, the more pronounced
symptoms and sleep disturbances they have.
Workload. The intensive
workload, absence of a full breakfast and time for lunch lead to the intense
physiological hunger in the evening and overeating. Long periods without food
in the mornings and afternoons lead to the increased production of cortisol,
which increases stress more.
People snacking at night have the impaired work of
biological rhythms and many hormones, as well as impaired metabolism. The more
and the more often people eat late, the more pronounced symptoms and sleep
disturbances they have. Late suppers and night snacks lead to obesity, the risk
of type 2 diabetes, and the psychological problems. Studies have confirmed that
increased appetite at night is associated with depression or latent depression,
emotional tension, and anxiety.
How does it affect
A number of negative effects of late meals are
discussed in the previous chapter. We note that existing studies do not always
give an unambiguous answer. In fact, if we consider the number of calories
consumed (though it is not easy in the long run), then the effect of supper on
the body structure is not so great. So, in the conditions of a slight calorie
deficit, nutrition in the mornings and evenings for 12 weeks did not affect the
level of fat. But more research found a link between a late bountiful supper
and obesity.
The dietary regimen is associated with inflammation in
adipose tissue. Eating at night, compared to eating during the day, activates
macrophage immune cells and causes a greater inflammatory response in adipose
tissue. Eating before sleep makes heartburn seven times more probable, compared
with those who finish eating three hours before bedtime. The studies showed that
late meals reduce learning ability and lead to the impaired work of
Other problems exist. So, the risk of developing
coronary heart disease is 55% higher for those who eat late at night.
Interestingly, the risk of developing hormonal disorders, including breast
cancer and prostate cancer, is also associated with late meals. The risk of
developing breast cancer is reduced by 16%, and prostate cancer by 26% for
those who have supper at least two hours before bedtime.
Syndrome of night
food. An extreme violation of food biorhythms is night
eating syndrome. Its main symptoms are: frequent (more than twice a week)
episodes of eating late in the evening or at night, for which more than 25% of
the daily amount of calories is consumed; periodic (more than four times a
week) lack of appetite in the morning; feeling of guilt and shame because of
eating; reduced quality of life. This disorder requires the psychotherapeutic consultation
and work to normalize the biorhythms. Just willpower is not enough to get rid
of it. The night eating syndrome is dangerous for people with normal weight as
well, because it affects the quality of sleep. The greater the amount of
calories you consume in the evening and at night proportional to the daily
amount, the higher your risk of obesity.
Basic principles
Have early,
moderate and healthy supper. Remember that breakfast affects
sleep the same as the next breakfast depends on supper. An early and moderate
supper is a guarantee of an easy awakening and appetite next morning. The scientists
have found that foods with a low glycemic index for supper stabilize blood
sugar for the next day!
Have supper at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. Supper must make up from 20 to 30% of
the daily calorie intake. You can eat the
medium-starchy and low-starchy vegetables and greens, healthy fats: butter, olive
oil, coconut oil. The portion can be big. And do not forget to eat raw vegetables!
Limit the use of cereals, farinaceous products, convenience foods, and large
amounts of protein foods.
BREAK: Give preference to foods containing
more fiber: vegetables and greens. Refined carbohydrates increase the risk of
insomnia, but fiber for supper can prolong the phase of slow sleep!
Early supper. Early
supper helps to increase the eating pause and additionally insensibly reduces
the number of calories consumed. The scientists have found that with the
restriction of eating from 7 pm to 6 am and without counting calories, healthy
people eat 240 kcal less per day on average! And this in the long run gives a
noticeable weight loss! Early supper promotes the production of growth hormone,
more 70% of which is excreted at night. Growth hormone stimulates muscle growth
and fat burning. Eating at night, in its turn, promotes the release of insulin,
which reduces the level of growth hormone.
Carbohydrates. Despite
the fact that carbohydrates can give pleasant sleepiness, you should not eat starchy
foods for supper; you should limit the amount of farinaceous dishes and sweets.
Give preference to foods containing more fiber: vegetables and greens. Refined
carbohydrates increase the risk of insomnia, but fiber for supper can prolong
the phase of slow sleep! Therefore, a complex salad is a great solution!
Scientific studies show that sugar for dinner makes the episodes of
micro-awakening during the night more frequent, which significantly reduces the
quality of sleep.
Fats. Fats
are also an important part of supper but only combined with fiber. Fats do not
cause insulin rise, stimulate the release of the hormone cholecystokinin, which
helps to feel full. Give preference to coconut oil, butter, olive oil. Even a
piece of pig fat is good. So don’t be afraid to dress a salad with oil but keep
a sense of balance.
BREAK: People feeling
anxious and having problems with falling asleep should avoid plenty of protein
foods. But for those who go to gym and sleep soundly, or work late, proteins
for supper can also be a good option.
Proteins. The
issue of protein products for supper is not entirely unambiguous and should be
considered individually. On the one hand, proteins increase activity and
stimulate the nervous system, which is not very good for sleep. People feeling
anxious and having problems with falling asleep should avoid plenty of protein
foods. On the other hand, proteins perfectly satisfy hunger and keep up satiety
for a long time. Therefore, for those who go to gym and sleep soundly, or work
late, proteins for supper can also be a good option.
How to follow the rule?
Ideas and tips.
Evening lighting. To let
the circadian rhythms work properly, the light in the house must coincide in
spectrum with the sunset light: be yellow, diffused, and dim. To do this, in
the evening you have to turn on the incandescent lamps that have the needed
spectrum, but not LED lamps. But even more of the LED light comes from
smartphones, laptops, and TVs. There are ways to change this. You can install
programs like f.lux, twilight1, or use the night shift function
(blue light filter). But the best idea would be to buy special glasses that
block the blue part of the spectrum.
Temperature in the evening. Temperature is also an important signal for our body. The temperature of
our surroundings should decrease from about 19.00. Everything that prevents us
from cooling down will prevent us from relaxing and falling asleep. Therefore,
such tips as taking a walk before bedtime, ventilating the bedroom, and decrease
of heating work great.
Stress in the evening. Evening stress is a common cause of loss of control of eating behavior
and overeating. Under stress, we have a craving for fatty, sweet and salty food.
This is part of the defensive reaction, because our body perceives stress as
physical activity (flight or fight response), therefore it makes us to
replenish the calorie content. Anti-stress techniques perfectly reduce appetite
and promote deeper sleep: muscle relaxation, keeping a diary, deep rhythmic breathing,
using a needled massage mat, free writing2, and yoga. All this helps
to improve our well-being and reduce stress, and so, appetite. All procedures
for the body increase the production of the anti-stress hormone oxytocin: water
procedures, massage, rubbing, sauna, self-massage, etc.
Caffeine. Not only coffee, but also tea, other drinks,
bars and medicines contain
caffeine. Its average
half-life is 4-5 hours, but the effect can be longer, for all
eight hours. Therefore, if you want to avoid the effect of caffeine on sleep, do not drink
coffee, tea and other caffeinated drinks after 12.00-14.00.
Scientists have found that caffeine shifts biorhythms to a later time and reduces the
time of slow sleep. Excessive consumption of caffeine leads to sleep
disturbance and morning fatigue. There are people who are genetically very
sensitive to caffeine; for them it causes anxiety and exacerbates neurosis. For
such people, caffeine restriction will have a very positive effect on health.
1 - the
applications that adjust the color temperature of a computer monitor by the
geographical location and time of day specified by the user.
BREAK:The average half-life of caffeine is 4-5 hours, but its effect can be longer, for all eight
hours. Therefore, if you want to avoid the effect of caffeine on sleep, do not drink coffee,
tea and other caffeinated drinks after 12.00-14.00.
Alcohol. Alcohol is a
very high-calorie product. Although alcohol accelerates the process of falling asleep, it also reduces the quality of sleep, especially in the second
half of the night, increases snoring, causes dehydration, and can cause
insomnia with frequent
use. Go to bed sober.
No convenience foods or ready meals. They contain large amounts of sugar, salt and flavor enhancers. Salted
foods for dinner will cause fluid retention and make you look worse in the
Less tyramine. Do not eat foods that contain a lot of biogenic amines, such as tyramine, for supper. They
increase the secretion of adrenaline and worsen sleep. Tyramine is found in
chocolate, wine, sauces, cheese and in some protein and dairy
semi-finished products.
Pleasure in the evening. Plan some pleasant activity for your evening out in advance and have it even if
you are reluctant to
do it. This principle is the base of the method of behavioral activation, which is very effective in
depression. Your hobby, the communication with family and friends, any other noncaloric pleasure will help. When we get tired, we can refuse to communicate and to do something valuable for us.. But when the brain is deprived of emotional
nourishment, it searches for other ways to fill its deficit and finds it in food! I see
often that evening hunger frequently
has emotional roots.
Forced supper. Often people have to dine late when there is no way to eat fully and
calmly at work. This is not an ideal regimen, but do not frighten yourself with
horror stories that the food will rot in the intestine at night, etc. The body gradually adapts and food is digested normally. Horror stories that the stomach and intestine do not work at
night are incorrect: their function is slightly reduced, but not critically.
And they can adapt to your rhythm of life.